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Title: Supporting children with selective mutism: A case study on the role of classroom environment on speech production
Authors: El Gabalawy, Yasmine
Keywords: selective mutism
classroom environment
speech production
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: The classroom environment, a space where social and academic shaping normally takes place, may be quite challenging for students with selective mutism (SM). There is limited research on how these students respond to the classroom environment in Greek schools. This current case study aimed to find ways to support and encourage speech production in the Greek classroom environment. It examined the role of classroom environment, specifically aspects of the physical environment (seating arrangement), aspects of the social environment (classmate and professionals’ interaction) and other factors in the classroom environment (the use of visuals and technology) on the speech production of a 6-year-old Greek student, JA, with SM. Through semi-structured interviews, four professionals who worked closely with JA discussed five main topics: seating arrangement, classmate interactions, professionals’ interactions, the use of technology and the use of visuals and their role on JA’s speech production. The deductive analysis found that classmate friendliness and excitement expression, forced-choice prompts, using classmates to prompt JA, practicing answers to questions, and labeled praise encouraged speech production. Whereas seating arrangement, the use of humor, educating other students about SM, and not overreacting when the student spoke did not encourage speech but contributed to setting the ground for the student to feel comfortable to eventually speak. Professionals did not use visuals and technology to encourage speech production with JA. This study shows that students with SM can be supported and effectively achieve speech production with some modifications in the classroom environment.
Appears in Collections:Program in Applied Child and Adolescent Psychology

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