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Title: Creativity and innovation in Greek winemaking industry
Other Titles: Creativity and innovation in winemaking industry in Greece
Authors: Paraskevopoulos, Aristeidis
Keywords: Creativity
Greek winemaking industry
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: The aim of this project will be to analyze and identify the main principles that exist in the contemporary Greek Winemaking industry. More specifically it will be mainly interested in whether or not, the leading Greek companies of the field have adopted any innovative or creative strategies. It will mostly try to depict certain initiatives and point out the significance of creativity and innovation in this specific field. First of all, it will try to present the concepts of creativity and innovation in a way that will be easily understood by any reader. Then it will present the history of wine and the way it is produced. It will explain the current trends and it will compare them to the Greek reality. In this effort I mostly depended on extensive bibliography and some personal interviews. Finally, some conclusions are being drowned and some suggestions are made.
Appears in Collections:Program in Strategic Human Resource Management

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