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Title: Returns-based style analysis of Greek equity mutual funds
Authors: Bibiris, John
Keywords: Greek equity mutual funds
Issue Date: Jul-2005
Abstract: One major concern of mutual fund investors is whether active managers are loyal to their stated style at all points in time or if departures from a fund’s expected style is the source of different patterns between a fund and its benchmark. Since information on the actual holdings of a portfolio is limited and published periodically by mutual fund companies, Returns-Based style analysis, introduced by W. Sharpe (1988, 1992) is a huge importance. By using an optimization technique which is similar to a constrained form of regression, the model results in the average style exposures of a portfolio during the period examined. This study attempts to apply Sharpe’s model to Greek equity mutual funds and evaluates their style exposures and consistency during the period 1999-2004.
Appears in Collections:Program in Finance

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